IDEE aquaculture
IDEE firm is an engineering and design consultancy office specializing in aquaculture, from conception and engineering to project management, from the development of master plans to the setting up of aquaculture projects, including R&D, technical assistance or even strategic and financial analysis.
Since its creation in 1992 by Jacques Trichereau, the company has developed skills exclusively focused on the design and development of projects in fields as varied as shrimp farming marine and continental fish farming or shellfish farming In recent years, by extension, interventions have also concerned aquariology and algal culture. Within our engineering team, some of us have now more than 33 years of professional experience.
This know-how is based on experiences acquired under very diverse conditions in production and then gradually transferred to technical, financial and then managerial engineering.
The company is managed by 3 co-managers and associates, Benoît HUSSON, Jean-Marc COCHET and Bruno JUSTOME that used to work for many years with Jacques TRICHEREAU.
The provision of services that IDEE is required to provide to private or public operators concern all the areas necessary for the creation and then the operation of aquaculture production companies: site studies and environmental characterization, study technical and financial feasibility, engineering studies and project management.
At the same time, IDEE has been able to develop special relationships with its main clients, which have enabled it to implement technical or managerial support strategies. In this context, the versatility of the skills of a team of 5 engineers strengthens intervention capacities, particularly in the areas of financial analysis and optimization of production tools.
Moreover, these various interventions reflect, from the outset, the desire of a multidisciplinary team to participate in the expansion of responsible and sustainable aquaculture committed to respecting its environment and the quality of its productions.
IDEE has thus become a major player in the study and development of aquaculture operations.
Co-manager of IDEE
Agricultural engineer, specialized in Aquaculture and Fisheries - ENSA RENNES - Associate.
33 years of professional experience in marine aquaculture, with specialization in operational auditing, technical assistance and quality analysis of culture water.
Benoit Husson has been developing for 11 years, a particularly efficient farm management aid tool based on reading the redox potential (ORP).
Co-manager of IDEE
Agricultural engineer, specialized in Aquaculture and Fisheries - ENSA RENNES- Associate.
19 years of professional experience in marine aquaculture, specializing in the design of recirculated systems in aquaculture. In charge of the engineering design service.
Co-manager of IDEE
Engineer in Agriculture, specialized in Aquaculture - ESA Angers – Associate.
Master II in Biology, specializing in Marine Ecology - LAVAL Canada University
Master II in Management, specializing in Business Administration - IAE Nantes
24 years of professional experience in aquaculture including 9 years in project development, and 6 years in general management of aquaculture companies.
Master II in Biology - marine ecology - University of Montpellier.
22 years of professional experience in marine aquaculture, with specialization in Aquariology.
Technical Drector of the Seaquarium of Grau-du-Roi (30) for 5 years.
Editor-in-chief of Oceans magazine then of Plongée magazine (sea and environment, recreational diving) for 10 years. Design and Zootechnical Engineer.
Administrative and management assistant since 2000.
Permanent representative of IDEE in the Middle East and Asia
Expert in most Aquaculture fields (fish and shrimp) specializing in the start and the management of hatcheries and nurseries in temperate and tropical climates for more than 20 years.
Expertise in water treatment, management of the water quality of recirculated systems and live feeds cultures (microalgae, rotifers, Artemia).
Many experiences in management of farms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, but also in South America and Europe.
External Consultant
DPLG Architect. 29 years of professional experience including 9 years in design and project management of aquaculture operation buildings.
External Consultant
R&D Manager - SEADUCER
Master’s Degree in Applied Aquaculture Sciences and Management – INTECHMER Cherbourg, CNAM Montpellier.
27 year international aquaculture experience as technical manager, R&D researcher and senior consultant. Expert in zootechnics of finfish farming, particularly in the hatchery, nursery and pre-growing phases. Specialisation in oyster farming and innovative farming techniques.
External Consultant
PhD in marine biogeochemistry at the MIO in Marseille.
16 years of experience ranging from fundamental and applied research, to the development and management of aquaculture companies. 8 years of work in shrimp.
External Consultant
Since 1990, Rémi RICOUX has built up a solid experience in aquaculture, which today allows him to advise the fish farming sector with a specialization in the marine hatchery sector. Having been responsible for several structures around the Mediterranean and in the Pacific, his knowledge covers many species. It has always been a key player in the development of many sites, through the introduction of modern farming techniques which have enabled the increase in profitable, sustainable and environmentally friendly production.
In order to carry out its missions, IDEE Aquaculture is based on values that seem fundamental to it, making it possible to offer, with genuine professional ethics, responsible, committed, respectful and innovative services.
- Promotion of sustainable aquaculture production systems,
- Attentive listening, analysis and respect for the needs of its customers,
- Rigorous monitoring of the development of projects entrusted to us,
- The permanent search for the quality of the services offered.
- The recommendation of sustainable aquaculture respectful of its environment,
- The promotion of quality products,
- The desire to favor long-term relationships with its customers.
- The desire to preserve the confidentiality and internal know-how of the companies in which the team works.
Respectful and human thanks to :
- A real team spirit in which each employee can become involved in the long term,
- A working environment consistent with the aspirations and obligations of each,
- The strengthening of skills and their complementarity.
- The “learning curves” of the experiences acquired over more than 30 years for the oldest employees,
- The integration of engineering, consulting and R&D services, most often very complementary,
- The development of a professional network extended to peripheral activity sectors such as research and training.
The activity brings together all the expertise necessary for the implementation of operations or development plans integrating aquaculture as a factor of economic development.
The complementarity of IDEE’s skills allows our Office to offer an integrated offer, ranging from the choice of site to operational support for any projects. This offer is available according to the following main themes :
- Studies at all design phases,
- Financial studies, project management,
- Strategic development and strengthening,
- Operational assistance.
These skills are thus organized into 3 poles, as described below :
From the outset, IDEE has been heavily involved in the development of hatchery and grow-out recirculated system technology, a technique that today appears to be one of the most suitable for many complex contexts.
On the other hand, IDEE has been developing, for 10 years, an innovative technique validated by the Ministry of Research, based on the analysis of the quality of culture environments through monitoring of the redox potential. This patented approach is used in nurseries, hatcheries, grow-out farms and micro-algae cultures. Today it is used for various species (shrimp, turbot, sea bass, sea bream, oyster, micro-algae) in all types of environments.
As part of technical assistance, IDEE is also able to offer assistance missions to start-up operation or technology transfer thanks to a large network of experienced technicians able to intervene for "flash & short" missions or of longer duration.
IDEE is also equipped with a laboratory within the head office in order to be able to increase the number of experiments to assist its customers and to deepen its scientific and technical knowledge by continuing its innovative work in connection with the Redox.
Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et du Travail
Pôle de Compétitivité Eau
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement